Für Novalis

In 2021 I had a 4-month working scholarship of the International Novalis Society e.V.. The task was a content-related examination of the poet Novalis and (based on it) the creation of a group of jewellery (objects). Within the framework of this scholarship I dealt with the influence of the poet as well as with his perception of the world.


The group of (porcelain) signet rings (shown above) is called "Blaue Blume", which means blue flower. The group consists of 100 different rings and is a visualization of the influence of Novalis. To this day, his short work and life seem to fascinate people.

The seals of the rings are designed in the shape of flowers and thus picks up on the classic symbol of Romanticism (created by Novalis) - the blue flower. However, the flowers of the seals are not identical, but are based on 3 different basic shapes.

The steel brooch - which was also created within this scholarship - is an examination of the reality of the miners of his time, which clearly contrasted with the often romanticized depiction of his poems.

The Archive of Possibilities